Documents found: 30

  1. EHRI-ET-JMP017_01.jpg
    1945-05-14 | Walter Löbner | Kremmen
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in German.
    Testimony of Walter Löbner, which became a part of the “documentation campaign” in Prague. Löbner was arrested by the Gestapo in April 1939 for his antifascist views and was imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Auschwitz, and Dora…
  2. EHRI-ET-DEGOB0086_01.jpg
    1945-06-18 | National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB)
    Hungarian Jewish Archives, DEGOB, Protocol no. 86. Original in Hungarian.
    Testimony of the 18-year-old P.F. on his experiences in the Kassa/Košice Ghetto and in the Auschwitz, Wolfsberg, and Wüstegiersdorf concentration camps.
  3. EHRI-ET-DEGOB0099_01.jpg
    1945-06-22 | National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB) | Auschwitz
    Hungarian Jewish Archives, DEGOB, Protocol no. 99. Original in Hungarian.
    Testimony of the 39-year old R. H. on pre-1944 antisemitism and atrocities in Subcarpathia, deportation of her family from the Munkács brick factory, and her sufferings in the Auschwitz, Geislingen, and Allach concentration camps, liberation and her…
  4. EHRI-ET-DEGOB0701_01.jpg
    1945-07-09 | National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB)
    Hungarian Jewish Archives, DEGOB, Protocol no. 701. Original in Hungarian.
    Testimony of 30-year-old K. D. on her arrest right after the German occupation in March 1944 and her experiences in the Kistarcsa internment camp and the Auschwitz and St. Gheorgenthal concentration camps.
  5. EHRI-ET-ZIH3011116_01.jpg
    1945-10-31 | Ryszard Weidman
    Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Ryszard Weidman Testimony (301/1116). Original in Polish.
    Testimony of Ryszard Weidman, a child who was with his mother in the Warsaw Ghetto. He was smuggled out to the “Aryan side” where he hid with strangers, with his aunt and uncle coming to visit. After the defeat of the Warsaw Uprising, he and his aunt…
  6. EHRI-ET-DEGOB3615_01.jpg
    1946-01-04 | National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB) | Budapest
    Hungarian Jewish Archives, DEGOB, Protocol no. 3615. Original in Hungarian.
    Testimony of 24-year-old Eszter Eppler on the Auschwitz Protocols, the Kasztner train, international rescue, and Zionist resistance activities in Budapest in 1944.
  7. EHRI-ET-DEGOB3622_01.jpg
    1946-01-28 | National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB) | Budapest
    Hungarian Jewish Archives, DEGOB, Protocol no. 3622. Original in Hungarian.
    Testimony of 32-year-old K.I. on his activities as an official of Department A (the children’s department) of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Budapest in 1944/45.
  8. EHRI-ET-DEGOB3624_01.jpg
    1946-01-10 | National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB) | Budapest
    Hungarian Jewish Archives, DEGOB, Protocol no. 3624. Original in Hungarian.
    Testimony of the 45-year-old R.E. on her escape from a mass execution site on the bank of the Danube during the Arrow Cross era in Budapest in early January 1945.
  9. EHRI-ET-DEGOB3648_01.jpg
    1946-02-12 | National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB) | Budapest
    Hungarian Jewish Archives, DEGOB, Protocol no. 3648. Original in Hungarian.
    Testimony of M. S., a conservative Zionist leader and a member of the Palestine Office on Zionist rescue activities in Budapest and the history of the “Glass House”.
  10. EHRI-ET-ZIH3010805_01.jpg
    1945-09-04 | Mejer Lencow
    Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Mejer Lencow Testimony (301/805). Original in Polish.
    Testimony of Meier Lenc, who lived in the Sokal Ghetto until its liquidation and then escaped to the “Aryan side”. He was captured by German police and later ran away from the grave he had been forced to dig for himself. He spent several months in…