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- Abeles, Hanuš
- Abeles, Karel (later name Brožík)
- Abeles, Max
- Abelesová, Vilemína
- Abraham (SS, Buchenwald)
- Aczél, György
- Adamczyk (guard in Litoměřice)
- Adler
- Adler, Friedrich
- Ajzman, Motek (partisan)
- Akerman, Dawid (partisan)
- Akerman, Gecel (partisan)
- Akerman, Hersz (partisan)
- Aleichem, Sholem
- Alexander, Lola
- Alexander, Simon
- Alios, szmul (partisan)
- Allais Lasker, Renate
- Alter, Victor
- Alts
- Amarnikh, Rokhl
- Amper, Kh. (inhabitant in Kałuszyn)
- Ančerl, Karel (* 11.4.1908)
- Apriasky
- Arbatauskas (tailor)
- Arenshtam
- Arndt, Rudi
- Arnheim, Ulrich
- Aronzon, Arn
- Asch, M.
- Asz, Marek
- Aumeier, Hans
- Baeck, Leo (* 23.5.1873)
- Baer, Richard
- Bajor (lance sergeant in the Hungarian army)
- Bakos (policeman in the Kistarcsa internment camp)
- Ball-Kaduri, Kurt
- Bardok (SS man)
- Bartosik, Wojciech (priest)
- Bartshinski (owner of a mechanical textile factory in Łódź)
- Batiszfalvy (head of the police)
- Baum, Kurt
- Bauminger, Róża (recorded the testimony)
- Beatus, Frania
- Bedarf, Waldemar (SS man, Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Bednarz (police commandant, after WWII major in Błażejów)
- Behrend (from Berlin)
- Behrend (Jewish informer)
- Bellak, Otto
- Benes, Edvard
- Berent, W. (recorded by)
- Berger
- Berliner, Leybl
- Berner, Isaak
- Bernhard (Mr.)
- Bernotas (policeman)
- Berrotas
- Bertnolos
- Biala, Max
- Bialas, Max
- Białoszer, Dwora
- Białoszer, Josel
- Białoszer, Niusia
- Bik, Leybl
- Binyomtshe (from Wyszków)
- Birke (SS man, Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg)
- Birkenstock (Nazi)
- Blank (SS, Buchenwald)
- Blant, Yude
- Bleier, Berta
- Bleier, Jolán
- Bleier, Mendel
- Blond, Yudl
- Blumberg, Leyb
- Blumberg, Mowsza Mordechel
- Blumenthal (capo in Ostrowiec)
- Blumenthal (Council of the Elders in the Riga ghetto)
- Bobeck (family)
- Bodor (member of the Arrow Cross)
- Bodov (shot near Hlybokaïe, Belarus)
- Boehm, Erich
- Bogucka
- Bogucki, Jan
- Böhlke, Max
- Boldog, István
- Bondyová, Herta
- Borenstein (inmate in Częstochowa camp)
- Boris, Alfred
- Bornstein (from Łódź, shot by the Nazis in Biecz)
- Borza (lance sergeant in the Hungarian army)
- Boswell, Sue
- Bótha (soldier in the Hungarian army)
- Bottka (soldier in the Hungarian army)
- Brahn, Max (* 15.6.1873)
- Brammerová, R. (transcribed the testimony)
- Brandl, Therese
- Brauer, Margot
- Braun
- Braun, Cyrla
- Braun, David
- Braun, Ilona
- Braun, Lida
- Bresholts (inhabitant of Łódź and member of Hitakhdut)
- Brinkmann, Otto
- Broad, Perry
- Brock, Robert
- Broderzon, Moyshe
- Bromberg (inhabitant of Ostrów Mazowiecka)
- Broyn
- Broyz, Ita
- Brüll
- Brumm, Karl
- Buchowski (squire)
- Bugdahle (SS man in Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg)
- Buntrock, Fritz
- Bürckel, Josef
- Bureykes, Noyekh
- Burg, Berthold
- Burokas (mayor from Vilnius)
- Buschdock (SS)
- Carlebach, Emil (narrator)
- Chaim, Helena
- Chaplin, Charlie
- Churchill, Winston
- Cimbler, Leon
- Clauss, Erika
- Cohen (doctor at Jewish hospital in Iranische Strasse, Berlin)
- Cohn, Rose
- Csatári (Chief inspector in the Kassa ghetto)
- Cukierman, Antek
- Cukierman, Hersz
- Cześniower, Izak (shot by the Nazis in Biecz)
- Czuliński (Pole, who helped Dwojra Szczucińska and her son)
- Daene (family)
- Daghani Korn, Arnold (painter from Suczawa, Bukovina)
- Danz, Luise
- De Jong, Sal
- Delininkaitis (land-owner from the village of Paviniśkis)
- Delinninkailis
- Dénes, Iván
- Dibinsky
- Dobrovolski, Josef (SS, Auschwitz)
- Dogon, R. H.
- Dorfman, Mendl
- Dornbusch (family from Potsdam)
- Dr. Burak
- Dr. Feltscher
- Dr. Feyglis
- Dr. Schreiber (rabbi in Potsdam)
- Dreschel, Margot
- Druboshovski
- Edelstein Jacob
- Edelstein, Arje (* 15.5.1931)
- Edelstein, Jacob (* 25.7.1903)
- Edelsteinová, Mirjam (* 1.1.1908)
- Ehrenburg, Ilya
- Ehrlich, Max
- Ehrmannová, Alice Renata
- Eichhornowa, Laura (wrote down the testimony)
- Eichmann, Adolf
- Eidan, Hans (prisoner in Buchenwald)
- Eisner, Kurt (prisoner in Buchenwald)
- Eljaschow, Michael (lawyer, Council of the Elders in the Riga ghetto)
- Ellern (Ms.)
- Elsässer (SS officer)
- Engel (after the outbreak of the WWII commandant in Bełżyce)
- Engel, Emil (1881 - 1958)
- Engelbreckl (mayor of Munkács)
- Eppler, Santo (general secretary of Budapest Congregation)
- Eppstein, Paul (* 4.3.1902)
- Epshteyn, Shakhne
- Erich Eisler
- Eykhner, Roze (Bund member in Łódź)
- Eynbinder, Alter
- Fabian, Rosa
- Fâbri, Miklos
- Fábry, László
- Fachler, Jakub (partisan)
- Fachler, Szmul (partisan)
- Fachler, Tojwie (partisan)
- Fajnsztadt, Mojżesz (father of the narrator)
- Fajnsztadt, Wolf
- Faltin (guard in Litoměřice)
- Fasal, Erich Ferdinand (* 10.11.1909)
- Fehér, Ferenc (commander in Dej)
- Feist (junior)
- Feist, Albert
- Feist, Betti
- Feivush
- Feix, Reinhold (SS, commander in Budzyń camp)
- Fejs, Károly
- Feldhendler, Peysekh-Shaye
- Fenákel, Jónás (killed by the Arrow Cross)
- Ferenczy, László
- Feuerowa (a prisoner in the Przemyśl ghetto)
- Feygin, Sheyne
- Feyvelzon (rabbi)
- Fickert, Fritz (SS man, Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg)
- Fildermann, Dr.
- Filman (Łódź city councilman of the city hall)
- Finke, Ella (née Kallmann)
- Finke, Hans
- Finke, Julius
- Finke, Ursula
- Finkelshteyn, Mikhalke
- Fischer
- Fischer (Nazi)
- Fischer-Holz, Chana
- Fischer, Dr. (from Tel Aviv)
- Fischer, Horst
- Fischerová, Marta (Documentation campaign in Prague)
- Fleischmann, Izrael (partisan)
- Fleischmann, Majer (partisan)
- Fleishheker
- Fleminger, Leopold
- Florstadt (camp doctor in Buchenwald)
- Ford, Henry
- Forgács (sergeant in the Hungarian army)
- Forman, Pare
- Fornalik, Ignacy (police commandant)
- Fraenkel, Arnold (husband of narrator)
- Fraenkel, Hermann (father in law of the narrator)
- Fraenkel, Johanna (narrator)
- Fränkl, Jenő
- Franz Ferdinand of Austria (archduke)
- Franz, Berta
- Franz, Kurt
- Freiberger, Rudolf (* 11.3.1906)
- Frenkel (rabbi)
- Frenkl, Volf (factory owner in Łódź)
- Fried (rabbi in Vilnius)
- Friedfertig, Koppel
- Friedfertig, Rosa
- Friedmann, Desider (* 24.11.1880)
- Fritzsch, Karl
- Fromas
- Fromes (engineer from Łódź)
- Frommhold, Ernst (prisoner in Buchenwald)
- Fuchs (inmate in Auschwitz-Birkenau, involved in the resistance)
- Fuchs, Šlomo
- Furman, Feyvel
- Gal, René
- Galewski (prisoner in Treblinka)
- Gallander, Max (prisoner in Buchenwald)
- Gallee (fellow prisoner of the narrator)
- Gartner (school supervisor from Jasło)
- Gaudeck, Karl
- Gavenda
- Geda (a clerk from a district office in Opole)
- Gedeon, Andor
- Geier, Albert
- Geler (shot near Hlybokaïe, Belarus)
- Gendtz, Borukh Sholem
- Gentz (involved in registration of the Jews in Rzepiennik)
- Gepner, Abraham
- Gergely, György (ministerial secretary, Budapest)
- Gerron, Kurt (* 11.5.1897)
- Gersmann, A.
- Gersmann, James
- Gersmann, L.
- Gerzonová, Berta
- Gevirtsman (a typesetter in Puławy)
- Gewürz (shot by the Nazis in Biecz)
- Geyer (manufacturer in Łódź)
- Gibian, Hanuš
- Gilowa (from Łódź, shot by the Nazis in Biecz)
- Ginsburg (professor from Warsaw)
- Girdrainys
- Glas (inhabitant in Łódź)
- Glaser, Hugo
- Glaser, Max
- Glater (Jewish lawyer and Jewish community’s advisory council in Łódź)
- Glaue, Bernhard
- Gliksztejn, Ida
- Godinger Landau, Rosa
- Goebbels, Joseph
- Goetel (from Warsaw, helped the narrator)
- Goeth, Amon
- Goldberger, Alice
- Goldinberg
- Goldman, Elye-Meyer
- Goldstein-Lindenmann (Ordnungsdienst, Stalowa Wola)
- Goldstein, Bernard
- Gordon
- Gordon, Khaym-Ber
- Gormanns (junior)
- Gormanns, Paula
- Gormanns, Siegfried
- Grabner, Maximilian
- Grabová, Heda
- Gräf (SS, Auschwitz)
- Grand, Fraenze
- Greenberg (doctor)
- Grese, Irma
- Greuel, Gustav (SS, Buchenwald)
- Gričiunas (land-owner)
- Grosfater, Yanek
- Grosman
- Grossmann
- Grundland (capo in the camp hospital in Treblinka)
- Günther, Hans
- Günzenberger, Fanny
- Gurevitsh (dentist)
- Gust, Erich
- Gusztáv Götzen (used Jewish prisoners from the ghetto of Tab for forced labour on his estates)
- Haagen (SS, Auschwitz)
- Haas, Egon
- Haas, Hans
- Haas, Pavel (* 21.6.1899)
- Hahn (SS man, Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Hamber (prisoner in Buchenwald)
- Hammerle, Albert (blockälteste in Auschwitz-Birkenau, camp D, block 5)
- Handelsman, Jankiel
- Hans (cousin of the narrator Leni)
- Hasse, Elisabeth
- Hauben, Samuel
- Haubenówna, Janka
- Haupt, Dawid
- Hawlik, Else (camp commander)
- Hayat, Moyshe Aharon (rabbi)
- Heilmann, Ernst
- Hekhtkop (owner of shoe shop in Łódź)
- Helischkowski (doctor at Jewish hospital in Iranische Strasse, Berlin)
- Heller (brothers from Biecz, shot by the Nazis)
- Heller, Artur
- Hellerová, Edita
- Hellerová, Jana (Hana)
- Helman (Rumkowski’s representative)
- Henschel, Lotte
- Herrmann, Hanuš
- Herskovits, Fábián
- Hess (SS, overseer in Budzyń camp)
- Heydrich, Reinhard
- Himmelblau
- Himmelblau, Niky
- Himmler, Heinrich
- Hingst, Hans
- Hinkel, Hans
- Hinkelmann, Eduard (SS, Buchenwald)
- Hirsch, Alfred (* 11.2.1916)
- Hirsch, Egon (husband of narrator)
- Hirsch, Helene
- Hirsch, Márton
- Hirsch, Menko Max
- Hirschberg, Rutka
- Hirschburg, Regine
- Hitler, Adolf
- Hitreider, Sepp
- Hofer, Hans (Schulhof, Hanuš)
- Hofman (owner of a mechanical textile factory in Łódź)
- Hofschulte, Hermann (SS, Buchenwald)
- Holand, Fishl
- Holand, Motl Motel
- Holand, Tsirl
- Holz, Chona
- Holz, Sonja
- Honigsfeld, Benjamin
- Horontshik, Shimen
- Horstmann, Rudolf
- Horthy, Miklós
- Höß, Rudolf
- Hössler, Franz
- Hoven, Waldemar (Nazi physician in Buchenwald)
- Hunwald, Szimcha (pseudonym Kühne, János)
- Hüttig, Hans
- Ipolyi, Ilka (mother of narator)
- Itzinger, Chaim (shot by the Nazis in Biecz)
- Itzinger, Regina (shot by the Nazis in Biecz)
- Izaak, Moyshe
- Izraelski
- Jacek (prisoner in Treblinka)
- Jacob (uncle of the narrator Leni)
- Jacobson family (family hiding the narrator)
- Jacobson, Ori
- Jacobson, Ruth
- Jaegerndorf
- Jagiełło, Konstanty (Kostek)
- Jakóbowicz (shot by the Nazis)
- Jakub (guard in Auschwitz I, block no. 11)
- Jankus (clerk)
- Jännisch (SS, Buchenwald)
- Janowitz, Leo (* 8.12.1911)
- Jarosewitsch (SS, Auschwitz)
- Jarusil, József
- Jeckeln, Friedrich
- Jędrzejewska, Adela (a Polish peasant woman from Moszczenica, sheltered Jews)
- Joćas brothers
- Jordan (commander in the Kaunas ghetto)
- Josephsohn (Mrs. from Potsdam)
- Julius (brother of the narrator Leni, perished in Buchenwald)
- Jungfleisch (SS, Budzyń camp)
- Kabinsky, Sorel
- Kaczerginski, Sherke
- Kahane, Abel
- Kahn, Franz (* 13.1.1895)
- Kahn, L. J.
- Kaiser (SS man, Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg)
- Kalmanovitsh
- Kaminetzky, Soznye
- Kaminski (owner of a mechanical textile factory in Łódź)
- Kaminsky (kapo in Auschwitz)
- Kaplan (from Warsaw)
- Kaplan, Israel
- Karsten, Gertrud (narrator)
- Karsten, Robert (father of narrator)
- Karvat, Betsalel Yoysef
- Kasher, Moyshe
- Kasher, Yitskhok
- Kassmann, Hilde
- Kasztner, Rezső Rudolf
- Katsenelson (lawyer from Vilnius)
- Katshikovitsh, Pinhas
- Katsnelson
- Kaugert (Riga)
- Kausch (SS doctor)
- Keltshinski (shipping clerk from Suwałki)
- Kempiński, Fajwel (partisan)
- Kempiński, Szymon (partisan)
- Kemptshinski (Polish judge at the appeal court in Łódź)
- Kenig (Jewish community clerk in Łódź)
- Kepiński, Dawid
- Kerl, Marie (grandmother of narrator)
- Keytlman, Y.
- Khary, Piotr
- Khaymovitsh (Jewish merchant in Łódź)
- Kimmel, Shmuel
- Kintzen (lawyer)
- Kirschner, Hermann
- Kirshenblum, Refoel (narrator)
- Kiss (soldier in Várpalánka and Mukachevo)
- Klang, Heinrich (* 15.4.1875)
- Kleeman, Hermann
- Klein, Fritz
- Klein, Gideon
- Klein, Gideon (* 6.12.1919)
- Klein, Marta
- Klein, Simon
- Kleinman (shot by the Nazis in Biecz)
- Kleinmann, Chaim (kapo in Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Kleinová, Ila
- Kleist, Wilhelm (SS, Budzyń camp)
- Klinger, Ota
- Klor, Luba
- Klor, Shmuel
- Knorpel (chairman of the Jewish community in Ostrów Mazowiecka)
- Knurrhahn (prisoner in Pankrác prison)
- Koch, Karl Otto
- Kochanowsky (teacher at Margareten Lyzeum)
- Koflonovits, György
- Kohane, Dawid
- Kökönyei, Ferenc
- Kolkhoz (lawyer from Šaukenai)
- Komoly, Ottó
- Kon, Nisn
- Konaravsky, L.
- König, Hans Wilhelm
- Konstantinov, Vania
- Korb, Yerachmiel
- Kork, Yerachmiel
- Kőszegi (lieutenant in the Hungarian army)
- Kotlinska (elderly woman from Suwałki)
- Kovaltshik
- Kowalski, Stefan
- Kozliner (shot near Hlybokaïe, Belarus)
- Kramer, Josef
- Krämer, Salo (* 20.9.1899)
- Krämer, Walter (prisoner in Buchenwald, German antifascist)
- Kranbuegel
- Krása, Jan (* 30.11.1899)
- Kraszner, Lajos (head of an orphanage, Budapest)
- Kratková, Marta
- Kratzer, Theodor (director of the prisoner property office in Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Kraus, Franz
- Krause, Kurt
- Krausz, Miklós
- Kremer, Chaim Shloyme
- Krieger, Minka
- Krimke (mother of narrator)
- Krimke (stepfather of narrator)
- Krishtal, Pinye
- Kristofori, János (chief notary in Nagyszőllős/Vinohradov)
- Krivitski, Ziomke
- Kronenberg (inhabitant of Ostrów Mazowiecka)
- Krososhinski, Yoysef (Jewish textile magnate in Łódź)
- Kruk, Avroml
- Kruk, Clowa
- Kruk, E.
- Kruk, Esther
- Kruk, Menakhem
- Krzemień (priest)
- Kuba (barrack elder in Treblinka)
- Kuczera, Hubert
- Kuk (female guard in Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Kulczycki (engineer from Warsaw)
- Kulka, Erich
- Kunke, Hans
- Kuperberg, Yitskhok
- Kuropotvo
- Kurz (shot by the Nazis)
- Küttner, Kurt
- Kvitko, Leyb
- Lachmann, Gerhard
- Landau, Bernat (Bernard)
- Landau, Hedda (recorded the testimony)
- Landau, Lipold
- Landesman, Anzelm
- Landwirt, Margot
- Langbard (from Vilnius)
- Lange, Rudolf
- Langleyb, Arke-Yosl
- Langs, Erwin
- Lanni (overseer in Budzyń)
- Laser, Shimen
- Lauer, Iza (transcribed the testimony)
- Lazar, Alexander
- Lea, Adler
- Lebensfeldová-Hofstädterová, Regina
- Lederer-Beers
- Lederman (chairman of Judenrat in the Hlybokaïe ghetto)
- Leidl (warrant officer in the Hungarian army)
- Leipold, Josef (SS, commander in Budzyń camp)
- Lencow, Mejer
- Lencow, Nachman
- Leni (narrator, twelve-year-old Jewish child from Vienna)
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
- Leon Meyer
- Levartovsky, Yidl
- Levental, Nachman
- Levin (from Sviliaś/Svilė)
- Levin (traveling salesman in Łódź)
- Levin, Leybl
- Levshpey (Jewish community’s advisory council in Łódź)
- Levshteyn (manufacturer in Łódź)
- Lewenkopf, M. (recorded the testimony)
- Lewin, Blanka (recorded the testimony)
- Leybovitsh, Ore Feifke
- Leybovitsh, Tzile
- Leynov, Yefim
- Libe-Toybes, Ike
- Libeskin (from Krakow)
- Liebster, Harry
- Liewer
- Liewerand, Karel
- Ligety (warrant officer in the Hunarian army)
- Likhtnshteyn (inhabitant of Ostrów Mazowiecka)
- Lindenbaum, Max (* 18.5.1914)
- Lipmannová, Lola
- Lipopsky
- Lipsker, Perl
- Lipsker, Rivke (hotel owner in Ostrów Mazowiecka)
- Lipsker, Vevl
- Liste, Irmgard
- Litman-Litani, Dora, Dr.(from Tel Aviv)
- Löbner, Walter
- Loewenberg, Stella
- Lorier (a 60 year-old woman from Cracow, who was beaten by Jan Wid and Hubert Kuczera)
- Löwenherz, Josef
- Löwenstein, Karl
- Löwinger, Waltr (* 29.10.1912)
- Löwitus (prisoner in Buchenwald)
- Lubomirski (count, Warsaw)
- Lucas, Franz
- Lullay (assistant of the lieutenant colonel of the Hungarian Gendarmerie László Ferenczy)
- Lurie (Kaunas ghetto)
- Lustig (doctor at the Jewish hospital in Iranische Strasse, Berlin)
- Lutz, Carl
- Luzin, Avrom-Yoysef
- M., Dovid
- Machay, Ferdynand
- Makhnatski
- Maksimenko (gurdian in a sanatorium, Warsaw)
- Malovantshik, Tuvye
- Mamet, Efraim Fishl
- Mamet, P.
- Mandl, Maria
- Mannheim, Selma
- Mannheimer, Max, E.
- Mardkavitsh, Carola
- Margolin (Mrs.)
- Mark, Ber
- Markevitsh (writer in the magistrate of Łomża)
- Martha (aunt of the narrator Leni)
- Maryampolsky, Dine
- Medgyesi (member of the Arrow Cross)
- Meierstein
- Melamed, Yisroel-Aron
- Meltz (Mrs.)
- Meltz-Klor, Tsivia
- Meltz, Libe
- Meltz, Luba
- Meltz, Yankev
- Meltz, Yitzhok
- Mendelewicz, Chana (mother of the narrator)
- Mengele, Josef
- Messing (SS in Treblinka)
- Meyer-Niedermann, Erna (narrator)
- Meyer, Alfred
- Meyer, Ella (mother of narrator)
- Mezei, Rezső (bank officer)
- Michl, Devoyra
- Midl (Mrs.)
- Miete, August
- Migdal, Yakov
- Migdel, Ejnach
- Mihály, Salamon
- Mikhl (Mrs.)
- Mikhl, Shmuel
- Mincs, Vladimir
- Minsker (Council of the Elders in the Riga ghetto)
- Mintsberg (head of the Jewish community in Łódź before the Germans invaded)
- Modrykamyen, Yosl
- Moeller (Gestapo officer)
- Mohr, Otto (SS, commander in Budzyń camp)
- Mojżesz Wajzer
- Moler (57-year old travelling salesman in Łódź)
- Moll, Otto
- Moniek (capo in Treblinka)
- Morgensternová, Ruth
- Morgnshtern, Tuvye
- Müll, Jan
- Müller (female guard in Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Müller, Filip
- Munk, Max
- Münzer, Efroim
- Murasken (hairdresser)
- Muray (lieutenant colonel in the Hungarian army)
- Murmelstein, Benjamin (* 9.6.1905)
- Mussolini, Benito
- Nadir, Moshe
- Nasch, Erich
- Naumann (Mrs., from Potsdam)
- Nayman (head of the artisan union in Łódź)
- Nayman, Yisroel-Khaym
- Neumann, Josef
- Nielipowiczun (shopkeeper in Wyszków)
- Niemeier, Albert
- Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
- Niselevitsh, Chaim
- Niselevitsh, Elye
- Niselevitsh, Frida
- Nodelberg, Roma
- Noelle (Nazi)
- Nosl (from Wyszków)
- Notzen (feather dealer)
- Nowak
- Nusinov, Yitskhok
- Oberman, Leon
- Obst, Arthur
- Ogurek (owner of shoe shop in Łódź)
- Oline, Samuel
- Opfal, Yankev
- Oppenheim, Ralph
- Orenstein, Binyomin
- Ornsteinová, Edita
- Österreicher, Erich (* 11.9.1910)
- Ostry, Moyshe-Zelik
- Pálóczy (Arrow Cross)
- Pap, Eng.
- Paul (SS man in Sobibór)
- Pawełek, Marian (engineer, director of a railway production plant in Pruszków)
- Peleckis, Jonas
- Peller, Abraham
- Perelsztejn, Leon
- Perkal, Shloyme
- Perlman (store owner in Łódź)
- Perschel, Richard
- Perts (manufacturer in Łódź)
- Perutz (husband of Ella Meyer, narrator’s mother).
- Pető, Ernő (1882 - 1960s)
- Petrik (SS, Buchenwald)
- Pfeifer (guard in Litoměřice)
- Pickard, Jochen (prisoner in Buchenwald)
- Piekarz, Henokh
- Pinczewska, Rozia
- Pinkus (blockälteste in Auschwitz-Birkenau, camp D, block 22)
- Piosik (foreman in factory, Stalowa Wola)
- Pius XII. (pope)
- Piwko, Dov Berish
- Plivatska (Jewish female lawyer in Łódź)
- Pokřivnicky, Januš (blockälteste in Auschwitz-Birkenau, camp D, block 21)
- Polacsek (committed suicide in the Nagyvárad/Oradea ghetto)
- Pollak (general)
- Pomerants (owner of a pharmacy warehouse in Łódź)
- Popover
- Porilas, Hermanas
- Portowicz (family from Wyszków)
- Posener, Kurt
- Povilas, Jočas
- Povilas, Vladas
- Poznanski (Bund member in Łódź)
- Pravidle, Anshl
- Prohaska (guard in Litoměřice)
- Prossnitz, Heinz
- Prywes, Dora
- Przewoznik, Herman
- Przytycki, Leybl
- Pszhepyurke (family of Warsaw)
- Puchard, Volf
- Pzsheshtshelenyets, Meyer
- Pzsheshtshelenyets, Moyshele
- Pzsheshtshelenyets, Shmulke
- Pzshitik (tailor in Warsaw)
- R., Avrom (harvester from Łomża)
- R., Pese(homeowner from Suwałki)
- Rabinovitsh
- Radosz (priest)
- Radžius (tailor)
- Rahm, Karl
- Rak, Binyomin (from Siemiatycze)
- Rapaport (owner of big store of men’s hat in Łódź)
- Raškauskas (clerk)
- Ravin, D.
- Rebeles, Avrom
- Redko, Kyril Arsentyevitsh
- Redlich, Egon (* 13.10.1916)
- Reibscheid, Róża (narrator)
- Reif, E. (President of the DP camp committee, Feldafing)
- Reisz
- Resler, Maks
- Reyman (friend of the eyewitness, originally from Chelm)
- Reytshik
- Reznikov (55-year old Łódź resident and member of WIZO)
- Richavy
- Riegner, Gerhard
- Riesener, Otto (foreman in the factory at Aschersleben)
- Rindler
- Ritters (SS, Auschwitz)
- Roder (SS man, Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Rodionov
- Rohde, Werner
- Roll (Mrs., from Czernowitz)
- Romański (the head of the Real estate office)
- Roninson, Victor
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Roosevelt, Theodore
- Roschmann, Eduard
- Rosé, Alma (musician)
- Rosen, Willy (* 18.7.1899)
- Rosenbaum (prisoner in Buchenwald)
- Rosengarten, Adolf (railway inspector from Czernowitz)
- Rosengarten, Anni (from Czernowitz)
- Rosengarten, Ernestine (from Czernowitz)
- Rosengarten, Heinz Victor (engineer from Czernowitz)
- Rosengarten, Leander Philipp (from Czernowitz)
- Rosenthal, Johanna
- Rotbard, Meir Yaakov
- Roth, Erna
- Rothenberg, Alois (1894 - ?)
- Rozenberg, Ela
- Rozenboym, Nekhemye
- Rozenfeld (Jewish manufacturer of socks, head of the union for sock manufacturers in Łódź)
- Rozenstok, Isaiah
- Rozental
- Rozentsvayg, Leyb
- Rozi, Awiezu
- Roznblum (pharmacist in Łódź)
- Rubert, Fridchen
- Rubert, Grete
- Rubert, Martha
- Rubin (Jewish lawyer and Jewish community’s advisory council in Łódź)
- Rubinstyn, Marta
- Rubinsztejn, Uszer (partisan)
- Rudolf (former lieutenant in the Czechoslovak army, prisoner in Treblinka)
- Rumkowski, Khayim Mordkhe
- Rybowski (nickname Wujo)
- Rzshevski, Aleksey (member of the Polska Partia Socjalistyczna in Łódź)
- Sachs, Egon
- Sachsová, Gerta
- Safirshteyn, Yenkl
- Salomon (family from Potsdam)
- Samter, Heinz
- Savickas (land-owner)
- Saxlová, Edita
- Schächter, Rafael (* 27.5.1905)
- Schaechter, Eliasz
- Schaechter, Fischer
- Schäfer-Mierhofers
- Schaffmann (blockälteste in Auschwitz-Birkenau, camp D, block 27)
- Schattner (physician, who helped the father of the narrator in the Przemyśl ghetto)
- Schicková, Helena
- Schiff, Michael
- Schild
- Schillinger, Josef
- Schlesinger, Paul
- Schmidt (Gestapo)
- Schmidt (SS, Buchenwald)
- Schmidt, Max
- Schmidt, Otto
- Schmiedt, Alexander
- Schnaps, Hinda (shot by the Nazis in Biecz)
- Schneider (shot by the Nazis)
- Schnider (SS, Auschwitz)
- Schobert, Max
- Schoetz, Rosa
- Scholtze (SS)
- Schönová, Vlasta (Váva)
- Schönstein (physician, shot by a SS man)
- Schorek
- Schornstein, Josef
- Schreiber, Vilmos (killed by the Arrow Cross)
- Schubert (Gestapo)
- Schubert, Willi
- Schulz (SS man, Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Schulze (SS, Riga ghetto)
- Schumann, Horst
- Schurz, Hans
- Schützer (shot by the Nazis in Biecz)
- Schwammberger, Josef
- Schwartz, Ármin (killed by the Arrow Cross)
- Schwarz (SS, Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Schwarz, Baruch (teacher in Czernowitz)
- Schwarz, Rosa Rachel
- Schwarzhuber, Johann
- Schwarzwald, Chaim
- Sefcsenko (policeman in Mukachevo)
- Sefcsik (beated the Jews in Munkács)
- Segal, Mosze Josef Menahem
- Segall, Nathan (from Bukovina)
- Segelstein (Council of the Elders, Munkács)
- Seidl, Siegrfried
- Seifert (guard in Litoměřice)
- Sell, Max
- Shamesh, Mordkhe
- Sheitl, Chaim
- Shek, Zeev
- Sheyko, Itshe-Meyer
- Shif (Jewish banker in Łódź)
- Shloser (Jewish physician and Jewish community’s advisory council in Łódź)
- Shmeltsinger, Shmulke (from Brok)
- Shneider, Leibe
- Shnyek, Simkhe
- Shoshke (from Wyszków, killed)
- Shoykhet, Fayvl
- Shpaker, Itshe
- Shtal (Jewish community’s advisory council in Łódź)
- Shteinfeld, Yehoshua
- Shtern (dentist from Suwałki)
- Shteynberg, Khaym
- Shtinski, Meir
- Shtokfish, Dovid
- Shults, Hershl
- Shultziner, Efraim
- Shvartsman (member of the administration of the artisan union in Łódź)
- Shvayg (Zionist activist in Łódź)
- Silberberg, Jankel (from Zakroczym, prisoner in Auschwitz)
- Silbernadel (Jewish inhabitant of Bełżyce)
- Silbernadel, Jankiel (Jewish inhabitant of Bełżyce)
- Silbernadel, Kuna Herisch (Jewish inhabitant of Bełżyce)
- Silbernadel, Usze (Jewish inhabitant of Bełżyce)
- Simon, Wilhelm
- Simonsohn (Mrs., from Potsdam)
- Simonsohn, Berthold
- Singer (living in the same Prague apartment as the narrator Ulrich Arnheim)
- Singer, Juda (partisan)
- Singer, Kurt (* 11.10.1886)
- Sinke (SS man, Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg)
- Skosowski, Lolek
- Słodki, Izrael (partisan)
- Smetana, Bedřich
- Smetana, Fritz
- Sokol, Maria Markovna
- Sommer, Martin
- Sonja (cousin of the narrator Leni)
- Šoreks
- Sorge, Gustav
- Šorková
- Soyfer
- Spicker, F.
- Spielman (shot by the Nazis in Biecz)
- Spira, Camilla
- Spitz
- Spitzer
- Stadie, Otto
- Stahl, Heinrich (* 13.4.1868)
- Stalik, Borekh
- Stangl Franz
- Stangl, Franz
- Starostka, Stanisława (capo in Auschwitz)
- Starzyński, Stefan
- Staševičius (priest)
- Steckel, Béla
- Štefan (in charge of the central sauna in Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Stein (brothers, executed in Ostrowiec)
- Stein (inmate in Auschwitz-Birkenau, involved in the resistance)
- Steiner (vice-consul, Budapest)
- Steiner, Jiří
- Steiner, Pavel
- Steiner, Zdeněk
- Steinerová, Jana
- Stemmler (SS, Standartenfuehrer)
- Stern (husband of narrator)
- Stern-Abraham, Julia Maria
- Stern-Abraham, Lilith
- Stern, Aron (father of the narrator)
- Stern, Eduard
- Stern, Estera
- Stern, Majtla (née Skóra, mother of the narrator)
- Stern, Samu
- Stern, Uri (son of narrator)
- Sternberg, Willy
- Sternik (Pole from the workers’ party)
- Stieglitz, Robert
- Strazshi-Yoffe, Sonya
- Suchomel, Franz
- Surek, Hershl
- Świderski, B. (recorded the testimony)
- Szajowicz, Irena (recorded the testimony)
- Szálasi, Ferenc
- Szanto, Alexander (narrator)
- Szanto, Magda (née Ipolyi)
- Szczucińska, Dwojra
- Szemere, Tibor
- Szepticki, Clement
- Szerman, Borek (partisan)
- Szerman, Wolf (partisan)
- Szirmai (member of the Jewish Council in the ghetto of Tab)
- Szmilewicz, Szlama (partisan)
- Sztójay, Döme
- Szwiantkewic, Franciszek
- Tarpataky (police chief, Budapest)
- Teller (SS man, Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Teygman, Karol
- Teytel (inhabitant of Ostrów Mazowiecka)
- Thein, Hanuš
- Thilo, Heinz
- Thumann, Anton
- Tietze (komissar)
- Todt, Fritz
- Tomashevitsh (city councilman in Łódź)
- Tramkovsky, Nehemiah
- Trau, Golda
- Trau, Leon
- Trau, Manek
- Trau, Renata
- Trau, Tosia
- Treblinsky, Mendl
- Tressler, Harald
- Treystman, Simkha
- Trotzki, Saul
- Tschiassnys
- Tshernovin, Hershl
- Tsimerman (member of the administration of the artisan union in Łódź)
- Tsivyak, Borekh
- Tunkel, Yosef
- Turek
- Turskis (clerk)
- Tvaretsky, Leib
- Ullmann, Viktor (* 1.1.1898)
- Ulmer, Khaykl
- Urbach, Cilli
- Van Deezen (SS man, Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg)
- van Gheel-Gildemeester, Frank
- Vaynshteyn, Ayzik
- Vaysbrot, Markl
- Veesenmayer, Edmund
- Veisbrod, Leibush
- Vengrov, Simkhe-Yankev
- Verdi, Giussepe
- Veydenboym (engineer)
- Veydenboym, Dvoyre (midwife in Ostrów Mazowiecka)
- Vidor, Pál
- Viering (Nazi)
- Vigushin (engineer from Vilnius)
- Viner, Shane
- Vinerman (engineer and member of Maccabi in Łódź)
- Viroslav, Leybish
- Vladyk (a priest, blockälteste in Auschwitz-Birkenau, camp D, block 15)
- Vlasov, Andrey Andreyevich
- Vogel, Jiří (* 22.5.1904)
- Volmark, Mendl
- Volmark, Shelke
- Voltshe, Malier
- vom Rath, Ernst
- von Dürren (Gestapo)
- von Hindenburg, Paul
- von Neurath, Constantin
- Vörös (corporal in Várpalánka and Mukachevo)
- Vulkan, Max (prisoner in Buchenwald)
- Vulman, Shmuel
- Wagner (SS man, Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Wagschal (shot by the Nazis)
- Wagschaller (shot by the Nazis in Biecz)
- Wajnberg, Josef (partisan)
- Waldapfel (head of the housing office, Budapest)
- Waldman, Matla (partisan)
- Waliczek (warder in Pakrác prison)
- Wallenberg, Raoul
- Wallfisch, Anita (narrator)
- Walter (prisoner in Pankrác prison)
- Waserman, Mendel (partisan)
- Wechsb, Julek
- Weidman, Ryszard
- Weinberg, Szyfra (partisan)
- Weinberger, Robert
- Weiner, Erich (* 4.2.1911)
- Weingärtner (prisoner in Buchenwald)
- Weinstein, Dr. (editor from Czernowitz)
- Weinstock, Eugen
- Weiss, Alice (barroness)
- Weiss/Weisz, Artur (Budapest)
- Weissbrot, Sonja
- Weisz (member of the Jewish Council in the ghetto of Tab)
- Weniger, Gertrud
- Wenzel (komissar)
- Weyermann (delegate of the Red Cross)
- Wid, Jan
- Widder, Max
- Wieth, Irmgard
- Wigger, Hubert (Gestapo, Prague)
- Wijsmuller-Meijer, Geertruida
- Wilhelm (from Warsaw)
- Wilhelm, Friedrich Karl
- Wilhelm, Károly (1886 - 1951)
- Wilk (Mrs. from Potsdam)
- Winer, Genia
- Winer, Mirka
- Wintesteins
- Wirths, Eduard
- Wohl, Erna
- Wohl, Gerd
- Wohl, Inge
- Wohl, Siegfried
- Wolf (prisoner in Buchenwald)
- Wolfheim, Nelly
- Wolfová (inmate in Bergen-Belsen)
- Wollfheim, Nelly
- Wowsi, Lila
- Wunsch, Franz
- Wurm, Leopold Anton
- Wurzel
- Wygodzki, Jakub
- Yablkavsky, Berish
- Yagodnik, Velvl
- Yankelevitsh (pharmacist in Łódź)
- Yanovski, Sh.
- Yaspershteyn, Mendl
- Yavner, Basya
- Zabraniecki, Khaim-Yitskhok
- Zadek, Elisabeth
- Zadek, Peter (recorded by)
- Zak, Kalman
- Zak, Khatze
- Zak, Yitzhok
- Zalcberg (tailor, prisoner in Treblinka)
- Zaltsberg
- Zappert, Julius
- Zarecká (guard in Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Zaremba (Warsaw)
- Zelderust, Eduard
- Zelenka, František (* 8.6.1904)
- Zelmanovitsh (Bund member in Łódź)
- Zengfeller (a Polish physician, supervised krankenbau in Auschwitz-Birkenau)
- Ziffer, Erich
- Zigelman, Marta
- Zirber
- Żółtak, Etke
- Zoppa (Gestapo, Prague)
- Zshelenyets, Zishe
- Zucker, Dr (commisar in Jasło, shot by the Nazis)
- Zucker, Ota (* 3.10.1892)
- Zucker, Ota (1892 - 1944)
- Zygielbaum, Ajzyk (partisan)
- Zygielbaum, Mojżesz (partisan)
- Zygielbojm, Szmul
- Žykas, Aleksandras(merchant)
- Zyskowski, Antoni