Documents found: 3

  1. EHRI-ET-ZIH3010805_01.jpg
    1945-09-04 | Mejer Lencow
    Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Mejer Lencow Testimony (301/805). Original in Polish.
    Testimony of Meier Lenc, who lived in the Sokal Ghetto until its liquidation and then escaped to the “Aryan side”. He was captured by German police and later ran away from the grave he had been forced to dig for himself. He spent several months in…
  2. EHRI-ET-ZIH3010481_01.jpg
    1945 | Ela Rozenberg
    Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Ela Rozenberg Testimony (301/481). Original in Polish.
    Testimony of Ela Rozenberg on the deportations of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto and the transport to the Treblinka extermination camp. After the selection, she was assigned to sort the clothes of the murdered Jews and to bury their bodies.
  3. EHRI-ET-ZIH3010191_01.jpg
    1945 | Dawid Kohane
    Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Dawid Kohane Testimony (301/191). Original in Polish.
    Testimony of Dawid Kohane regarding the fate of Jews in Rzepiennik Strzyżowsk, where he returned from German captivity. He recalls the establishment of the ghetto, the looting of Jewish property, and the mass execution of Jews during the liquidation…