Erich Nasch, description of the selection process in Auschwitz-Birkenau


Brief report by Erich Nasch, which became a part of the “documentation campaign” in Prague. Nasch describes the selection process in the Auschwitz concentration camp and the specific case of three Czech prisoners who managed to leave the camp in a transport which was sent to a labor camp.


Document Text

  1. English
  2. Czech
Text from page1

On 20.10.1944 a labor transport was put together in Auschwitz in camp E. During the medical check-up, the examining SS doctorremoved the following people due to physical weakness: Zeev Scheck, Egon Haas, and Bertl Simonsohn, because they looked very thin. They were assured that they would be sent as Stubendienst to the camp for a short time so that they could get better and then be sent to work. But they knew what was going on and Zeev especially tried to get onto the transport by showing his muscles and vowing that he was used to hard work, that he only appeared thin, but that he was completely healthy. Egon Haas and Bertl Simonsohn joined him. They weren’t successful, but were added to the transport in the end only because some people were missing.

It’s interesting that only 4 people survived this transport, and Zeev and Bertl are among them.

Statement was accepted by: Signature of the witness:

Marta Kratková Dr.Nasch

On behalf of the Documentation campaign:

Zeev Scheck

On behalf of the archive:

Alex. Schmiedt

Text from page1

Dne 20.10.1944 byl v Osvětímě v lágru E sestaven pracovní transport. Při kontrolní prohlídce byli pro tělesnou slabost vyšetřujícím lékařem SS vyňati: Zeev Scheck, Egon Haas a Bertl Simonsohn, protože vypadali velmi hubeně. Byli utišováni, že budou posláni jako Stubendienst na nějaký čas do lágru, aby se zotavili a pak že budou posláni na práci. Přes to tušili, oč jde a hlavně Zeev snažil se dostat transportu tím, že ukazoval svaly a ujišťoval, že je na těžkou práci zvyklý, že jenom tak hubeně vypadá a že je úplně zdráv. Egon Haas a Bertl Simonsohn se k tomu přidali. Přes to nepochodili a jenom proto, že scházeli lidé do transportu, byli na konec k transportu připojení.

Je zajímavé, že z tohoto transportu zůstali celkem 4 lidé na živu, mezi nimi Zeev a Bertl.

Protokol přijala: Vlastnoruční podpis svědka:

Marta Kratková Dr. Nasch

Za dokumentační akci:

Zeev Scheck

Za archiv:

Alex. Schmiedt


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