Documents found: 4

  1. EHRI-ET-ZIH3010191_01.jpg
    1945 | Dawid Kohane
    Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Dawid Kohane Testimony (301/191). Original in Polish.
    Testimony of Dawid Kohane regarding the fate of Jews in Rzepiennik Strzyżowsk, where he returned from German captivity. He recalls the establishment of the ghetto, the looting of Jewish property, and the mass execution of Jews during the liquidation…
  2. EHRI-ET-WL16560044_01.jpg
    1955 | Frankfurt am Main
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Eyewitness testimony Collection (coll. 1656), 44. Original in English.
    Testimony of Johanna Frankel, a non-Jew “with some Jewish blood”, who first married to a non-Jew with a daughter born in 1920. She later married a Jew who had been in Buchenwald but emigrated to the UK in 1939. She describes discrimination at work.…
  3. EHRI-ET-WL16560158_01.jpg
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Eyewitness testimony Collection (coll. 1656), 158. Original in German.
    Testimony of Renate Lasker-Allais, who was deported to Auschwitz in December 1943 after one and a half years in prison. She was arrested for helping French POWs escape. She describes in detail life and death in Auschwitz. Lasker-Allais had knowledge…
  4. EHRI-ET-WL16560540_01.jpg
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Eyewitness testimony Collection (coll. 1656), 540. Original in German
    Testimony of Julia (Maria) Abraham-Stern, a trained seamstress. Her husband and son were deported, while she and her daughter were sent to the Lwów Ghetto with her parents. Her mother committed suicide to allow her to go into hiding with her daughter…