Documents found: 4

  1. EHRI-ET-ZIH3011116_01.jpg
    1945-10-31 | Ryszard Weidman
    Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Ryszard Weidman Testimony (301/1116). Original in Polish.
    Testimony of Ryszard Weidman, a child who was with his mother in the Warsaw Ghetto. He was smuggled out to the “Aryan side” where he hid with strangers, with his aunt and uncle coming to visit. After the defeat of the Warsaw Uprising, he and his aunt…
  2. EHRI-ET-YV3540579_01.jpg
    1947-02-13 | Kielce
    Yad Vashem Archives, The Central Historical Commission of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone (M.1.E), file no. 3540579. Original in Yiddish.
    Testimony of Yeoshua Steinfeld regarding the murder of three children from the HASAG factory in Kielce on the banks of the Vistula River, March 1943.
  3. EHRI-ET-YV3540604_01.jpg
    Yad Vashem Archives, The Central Historical Commission of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone (M.1.E), file no. 3540604. Original in Yiddish.
    Testimony of Sheine Weiner regarding the transport from the Kaunas Ghetto to Riga, 1942.
  4. EHRI-ET-ZIH3010107_01.jpg
    1945 | Siemiatycze
    JHI, 301, Relacja Rafaela Kirszenbluma (301/107) Original in Yiddish.
    Testimony of Rafael Kirszenblum on the Siemiatycze Ghetto, which was established in July 1942. A few months later, the first liquidation action took place. He escaped to a partisan unit in the forests. The second liquidation action at Siemiatycze was…