1945-06-18 | National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB)
Hungarian Jewish Archives, DEGOB, Protocol no. 5. Original in Hungarian.
Testimony of the 31-year-old B.E. on ghettoization in Nagyvárad/Oradea in 1944, her attempts to escape, looting and torture committed by the Hungarian gendarmerie, her deportation to and experiences in Auschwitz, slave labor in Riga and Magdeburg,…
1945-07-13 | National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB)
Hungarian Jewish Archives, DEGOB, Protocol no. 1459. Original in Hungarian.
Testimony of B.B. and B.J., both 24, on anti-Jewish atrocities in Munkács/Mukačevo before and after the German occupation, including the desecration of the synagogue on the so-called “Black Sabbath” in the spring of 1944, the ghetto and transit camp…
Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Estera Stern Testimony (301/965). Original in Polish.
Testimony of Estera Stern, who was taken from the Sosnowiec Ghetto in February 1943 to a labor camp in Parschnitz near Trutnov. She describes conditions in the camp and forced labor in the Trutnov textile factory. She was liberated by the Red Army on…
Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Ela Rozenberg Testimony (301/481). Original in Polish.
Testimony of Ela Rozenberg on the deportations of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto and the transport to the Treblinka extermination camp. After the selection, she was assigned to sort the clothes of the murdered Jews and to bury their bodies.
Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Efroim Münzer Testimony (301/203). Original in Polish.
Testimony of Efroim Münzer on the liquidation of the Wieliczka Ghetto in August 1942, the transports to the forced labor camp in Stalowa Wola, as well as individual and mass executions. He escaped with a group of 85 prisoners in July 1944.
Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Leon Perelsztejn Testimony (301/106). Original in Polish.
Testimony of Leon Perelsztejn, who after his arrest in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski was sent to the Treblinka extermination camp, where he was assigned to work at the tool house. He describes the crematoria and methods of burning corpses as well as his…
Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Holocaust Survivor Testimonies (coll. 301), Lila Wowsi Testimony (301/81). Original in Polish.
Testimony of Ela Wowsi regarding the establishment of the Daugavpils Ghetto in July 1941, the liquidation actions in 1942, the mass executions during the final liquidation of the ghetto, and her imprisonment in the German concentration camps in Toruń…
Yad Vashem Archives, The Ball-Kaduri Collection: Contemporary testimonies and reports regarding the Holocaust of the Jews of Germany and Central Europe, 1943-1960 (O.1), file no. 3549264.Original in English.
Personal report by Max Mannheimer, born in 1918, regarding his experiences in Amsterdam, The Hague, Westerbork, Theresienstadt, and Auschwitz.