Documents found: 7

  1. EHRI-ET-JMP019_01.jpg
    1945-12-19 | Regina Lebensfeldová-Hofstädterová | Bratislava
    Jewish Museum in Prague, Documents of Persecution, inv. no 80. Original in German.
    Testimony of Regina Lebensfeldová-Hofstädterová, which became a part of the “documentation campaign” in Prague. Lebensfeldová-Hofstädterová was deported from Bratislava to Auschwitz-Birkenau in the summer of 1942. She describes the arrival of the…
  2. EHRI-ET-DEGOB1640_01.jpg
    1945-07-20 | National Committee for Attending Deportees (DEGOB)
    Hungarian Jewish Archives, DEGOB, Protocol no. 1640. Original in Hungarian.
    Testimony of 30-year-old Dr. H.L.M. on antisemitism and discrimination in pre-war Hungary, hardships during his labor service, the deportation of his unit to the German-Hungarian border in December 1944, forced labor under German command, and a death…
  3. EHRI-ET-WL16560633_01.jpg
    1942-10-10 | Gerhard Riegner
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Eyewitness testimony Collection (coll. 1656), 633. Original in French. Translated for the Wiener Library by Sue Boswell.
    Testimony of an anonymous Jewish refugee from Belgium. He was arrested on the street in Brussels in 1942 and interned in the Malines internment camp, before being taken by train to Russia, near Stalingrad. He was forced to work in a camp probably run…
  4. EHRI-ET-WL16560707_01.jpg
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Eyewitness testimony Collection (coll. 1656), 707. Original in German.
    Testimony of Anita Wallfisch, who describes forced labor in a factory in which there were also French forced laborers and POWs. She and her sister organized fake papers for POWs to escape. Both were arrested. Wallfisch was sent to Breslau prison…
  5. EHRI-ET-WL05320003_01.jpg
    1939-11-15 | Przasnysz
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, coll. 532, protocol no. 3. Original in Yiddish.
    Testimony of a fifteen-year-old youth, recorded on 15 November 1939 and describing the German invasion of Wyszków and surrounding areas. Y. M. Sh. describes refugees, including many Jewish refugees, who fled from occupied areas into the village and…
  6. EHRI-ET-ZIH3010036_01.jpg
    1945 | Wieliczka
    JHI, 301, Relacja Maksa Rösslera (301/36) Original in Yiddish.
    Testimony of Maks Rössler, who describes the liquidation of the Wieliczka Ghetto, the mass execution of Jews near Niepołomice, and the living conditions and forced labor in the concentration camps in Rozwadów and Stalowa Wola.
  7. EHRI-ET-ZIH3010107_01.jpg
    1945 | Siemiatycze
    JHI, 301, Relacja Rafaela Kirszenbluma (301/107) Original in Yiddish.
    Testimony of Rafael Kirszenblum on the Siemiatycze Ghetto, which was established in July 1942. A few months later, the first liquidation action took place. He escaped to a partisan unit in the forests. The second liquidation action at Siemiatycze was…