Documents found: 12

  1. EHRI-ET-WL1375B189_01.jpg
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Kristallnacht Reports (coll. 1375), B. 189. Original in German.
    Testimony of a 16-year-old male youth who escaped from Vienna in 1938. His report was forwarded to the JCIO in Amsterdam by Dora Prywes, Antwerp, c/o Menko Max Hirsch. He reports what he witnessed from 13 March 1938 onwards in Vienna, including…
  2. EHRI-ET-WL16560023_01.jpg
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Eyewitness testimony Collection (coll. 1656), 23. Original in English.
    Testimony of “Miss X”, whose mother was “Aryan” and whose father was Jewish. Her parents divorced for personal reasons and her mother married an “Aryan”. She describes her school, not being allowed to go to university, having to absolve a…
  3. EHRI-ET-WL1375B327_01.jpg
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Kristallnacht Reports (coll. 1375), B. 327. Original in German.
    Testimony of a Jewish business owner recorded shortly after the November Pogrom in 1938 describing the progression of laws that led to the destruction of his business (and those of other Jews), including the boycott of Jewish businesses and…
  4. EHRI-ET-WL16560458_01.jpg
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Eyewitness testimony Collection (coll. 1656), 458. Original in German.
    Testimony of Ursula Finke, who describes the increasing discrimination after 1933 and the blackmailing of her father. She finished school early and learned dressmaking. Finke was assigned to forced labor in a coat factory and moved to a “Jewish…
  5. EHRI-ET-WL16560540_01.jpg
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Eyewitness testimony Collection (coll. 1656), 540. Original in German
    Testimony of Julia (Maria) Abraham-Stern, a trained seamstress. Her husband and son were deported, while she and her daughter were sent to the Lwów Ghetto with her parents. Her mother committed suicide to allow her to go into hiding with her daughter…
  6. EHRI-ET-WL16560866_01.jpg
    1948 | Elisabeth Zadek | London
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Eyewitness testimony Collection (coll. 1656), 866. Original in German. Translated by Irmgard Liste Sue Boswell.
    A report by Elisabeth Zadek on rescue work of children of all nationalities who survived concentration camps in Europe. Their ages ranged from 3 to 7 years. She was cared for by Alice Goldberger and Anna Freud.
  7. EHRI-ET-WL16560939_01.jpg
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Eyewitness testimony Collection (coll. 1656), 939. Original in German and in English (summary page).
    Interview with Helen Hirsch, the daughter of Christian parents. Her mother, Mrs. Meyer, managed a large boarding house in Teplitz/Teplice, where Hirsch spent her youth until she married Egon Hirsch, a Jewish insurance agent for the “Viktoria”…
  8. EHRI-ET-WL16560956_01.jpg
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Eyewitness testimony Collection (coll. 1656), 956. Original in German and in English (summary page).
    Interview with Miklos Fâbri, a resident of Ungvar (Czechoslovakia), which became part of Hungary in 1939. The Horthy government issued anti-Jewish laws, including the confiscation of Jewish property. Soon afterwards, Fâbri was sent to labor camps in…
  9. EHRI-ET-YV5082493_01.jpg
    Yad Vashem Archives, Questionnaires filled out by children in the Foehrenwald DP camp, 1945-1946 (M.1), file no. 5082493.Original in English.
    Questionnaire filled out by Sonja Holz (a child born in Vilna, Poland, in 1929) in Wolfratshausen the DP camp, about her experiences in the Vilna Ghetto, in Riga at the Kaiserwald camp, in Strassenhof working in an ammunitions factory, at Stutthof,…
  10. EHRI-ET-WL05320070_01.jpg
    1939-12-16 | Warsaw
    The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide, Persecution of Jews in Poland: reports and statements (coll. 532), 70. Original in Yiddish.
    Testimony of 48-year-old Y. P., administrator of a newspaper in Warsaw, tracing his flight with his son from Warsaw to Włodawa and back to Warsaw, passing through several cities and shtetlekh together with streams of refugees. Y. P. relates in detail…